I haven't posted much here about our journey to Orthodoxy, but it was intense, stressful, painful, joyful, and peaceful. Some of that journey is explained very well on Father Michael's post here. Please keep in mind that he is an Orthodox priest, so we do have certain assumptions that can sound harsh, and a little threatening, to non-Orthodox ears. But I can vouch for his character and his love for all Christians, both Orthodox and not. I just thought that he described some of our thoughts very well, especially between paragraphs 8 and 15, and it saves me some time having to write it out when he has done so well. It's a little long, but I encourage reading it.
I'm not sure if I agree completely with his tone of "evangelical conspiracy" but that's mainly because I know very passionate and Godly Protestants. I also know many people who have been burned by professing Christians because they have held so tightly to their beliefs that they forgot to look for the Truth. I thank God that I have been blessed to avoid those circumstances (though family and friends have expressed great concern for us, they have not anathematized us). I'm not naive enough to deny that there are certain professing evangelicals who might consider Orthodoxy a threat to the evangelical world they created, and so do their best to slander them in order to maintain control. But again, thankfully, I have not had to deal with them in my journey. Enjoy the read!